Who We Are and What We Do
Catalyzing, connecting, and cultivating the kingdom of God in Paris.
Paris Missions is an intermediary network focused on building the collective capacity of the body of Christ by identifying, equipping, supporting, and mobilizing kingdom-centric believers, ministries, churches, and parachurch organizations in partnership and collaboration to advance the kingdom of God. We create strategic capacity for kingdom entities to increase their impact.
Connecting Ministries
We help connect ministries to resources, networks, and people so they can fulfill the mission that the Lord has for them.
Supporting Ministries
We provide practical support for ministries in Paris and around the world who are seeking transformation of Paris.
Growing Ministries
We assist ministries in accessing the tools, skills, and resources they need to grow and thrive.
About Us
Our Mission
Paris Missions builds the collective capacity of the body of Christ in Paris by identifying, equipping, supporting, and mobilizing kingdom-centric believers, ministries, churches, and parachurch organizations in partnership and collaboration to advance the kingdom of God in Paris.
Our Vision
We envision a dynamic, connected, collaborative, unified, passionate end times bride in Paris that demonstrates the power of Jesus Christ to the world.​