New Frontier of Missions:
A Missions Intermediary
We create strategic capacity for missions organizations and teams looking to transform Paris.
Social Capital Management
Capacity Building
Special Projects
Strategic Partnerships
Coaching and Training
Welcoming Teams
Prayer is the engine of effective ministry. At the center of our efforts is partnering with kingdom ministries and churches in prayer, and standing beside them as they contend for breakthrough and transformation. We do this by having regular prayer meetings, and helping ministries to see the value and centrality of prayer to their overall effectiveness.​
Social Capital Management
Often, one strategic connection can make the difference for a ministry. Yet, many ministries don't have the capacity to connect with and facilitate relationships with the right people who can open doors to help them grow. Paris Missions uses our growing sphere of influence locally and internationally to connect our partners with the right people who can catalyze and support them in achieving their kingdom vision.
Capacity Building
Effective kingdom ministries have the capacity to carry out the vision that God has given them. Paris Missions builds strategic capacity for kingdom ministries by adding staffing, providing technical assistance, and investing to enhance each ministry's ability to effectively serve.
Funding is a critical element in successful kingdom ministries, yet many ministries lack the knowledge and connections to effectively grow their fundraising base and increase donations. As an intermediary, the Paris Missions facilitates investments from donors into kingdom ministries, which enhance the donors' abilities to act on their values. Additionally, through fundraising for kingdom ministries, the Paris Missions reduces the burdens of navigating the complex world of fund development for our partners so they can focus on doing what they do best: building the kingdom of God.
Special Projects
Paris Missions chooses a select number of special projects to focus on. These projects are rooted in network principles, and have the capacity to scale quickly and make a larger impact for the kingdom of God rather than isolated ministries can alone. Our current special project is focusing on the upcoming summer games.
Ministries that have a similar focus can benefit from learning from each other, sharing expertise, and collaborating. At Paris Missions, we encourage, foster, and catalyze connections through networking with the goal of creating synergy through kingdom collaborations.
Strategic Partnerships
As a network, Paris Missions strives to facilitate strategic partnerships that add value, expand potential, and create synergies between kingdom organizations working in the same sphere on advancing the kingdom of God.
Coaching and Training
Many kingdom ministries, churches, and parachurch organizations have solid strategies and structures, but lack the expertise to expand their impact by scaling or expanding their efforts. Through a wide and developing network of kingdom minded professionals, Paris Missions provides coaching and training in the form of customized technical assistance that aims to equip them with the expertise they need to grow their impact.
Welcoming Teams
The Lord is speaking to many churches and ministries about coming to Paris to labor in the harvest, but they don't have connections to housing, links local ministries, or knowledge of the city. Paris Missions helps mission teams from around the world navigate the local context and get connected to the right people who are also working for the kingdom of God locally. We do this to maximize efforts and support and serve the body of Christ from abroad. We believe in developing long-term relationships and working with ministry partners who want to see Paris truly transformed by the power of the gospel.