Can you imagine what would happen if the global body of Christ caught the vision of interceding, worshipping, and sharing the gospel all at the same time on the same weekend? Well, we believe it would be something exceptional. And this summer's games is the perfect opportunity to give it a shot. On the opening weekend of the summer games in Paris - July 26 - 28 - we’re inviting the body of Christ around the world to join with us in three ways:
1) Prayer - Contend for Paris and your city to be transformed by hosting a prayer meeting.
2) Worship - Invite God’s presence into your local community by standing with us and
organising a local worship event.
3) Evangelism - Share the gospel where you live.
Together, we can make this summer the most memorable summer of our lives, as the body of Christ rises and joins together in transforming the nations for Christ.
We hope you’ll join us. #standwithparis #justsayyes
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